Help People Choose Life!

Your support will give thousands the opportunity to make a decision for Jesus Christ!

The message of the gospel literally brings people to the life-and-death decision about where they will spend eternity. It’s our job as believers to present that message in a clear, appealing, and biblical way. Pastor Greg Laurie's passion and mission are to tell as many people as possible about the salvation that is found only in Jesus Christ.

Will you help Pastor Greg proclaim the gospel to more people than ever before? By giving a year-end donation to Harvest Ministries today, you can help us achieve our goal of leading 100,000 people to Christ in 2020.

Your tax-deductible gift of any amount can help thousands to choose abundant life, both now and for eternity.

51+NWOjuOxL._SX351_BO1,204,203,200_ In thanks for your gift. . .

you will receive How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science by Pastor Louie Giglio. This beautiful and captivating children’s devotional will inspire wonder in the kids in your life.

Perfect for Christmas gift-giving!


Your contribution supports Harvest Ministries.