
On the Right Path

by Greg Laurie on Mar 30, 2022
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.
—Proverbs 22:6

A father and his son were hiking up a mountain when they came to a difficult place on the trail. While the father was contemplating which way he should go, he heard his son say, “Choose the right path, Dad. I’m coming right behind you.”

As parents, we have a direct influence on our children. Our children are watching us. They listen to what we say, but more importantly, they watch what we do.

Let’s say, for instance, that you drink in front of your children. Then one day your children have a problem with alcohol, and you wonder why. Or perhaps you fight with your spouse in front of your children and maybe even ask them to take sides in the argument (which is always a horrible idea). Then you’re shocked when your adult children have the same issues in their marriages.

When the Bible talks about the sins of the parents being visited on the children, it isn’t describing a mystical curse that is passed on from generation to generation. Rather, it’s simply talking about the repeated behavior of sin that can be passed on.

For example, if parents are divorced, chances are far greater that their children will end up divorced. However, if both parents attend church regularly, chances are far greater that their children will attend regularly as well.

So, not only can we pass sins on to our children, but we can pass blessings on to them as well. And it’s a lot easier to build a child than to repair an adult. Be the godly example. Be the godly leader. Read the Bible to your children before they go to bed at night. Pray with them. As you do that, you’re modeling what it is to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

Live a life with Christ that will make your children desire the same relationship with Him.

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